Engine mess

Until timing chain lock kit arrives fixed traverse to engine mount spots.
Basically one engine mounting was detached fully, another 80%. Put detached piece back, welded in from the outside and from the inside welded in some extra plates I had around.

For this plate MIG gass was not applied, effect you can notice the contact spots. Was too lazy to get my ass up and turn gas on, for second one (bellow) turned it on.

From the outside were engine mount is put onto one wouldn't find any damage anymore. This are of this shit box good to go.

Donot engine gets some covers off, interesting that coolant channels are in extremely clean condition meaning coolant was best quality.

This is what I need for current shitty engine.

Of course Chinese timing set kit had to be not working OOB.

Fakin ocsidation, I believe shitty quality coolant has added or maybe not... And trying to remove chain cover broke tentioner rail, damn, good thing new one ten money.

Imagination used to remove crankshaft sensor, good thing I have donor engine for spare parts when I break something removing. I am shitty mechanic haha. Tbh sometimes there is no other way than just cut and break, didn't break sensor itself just cover.

Crankshaft  and oil pump gear. Right side one was damaged by oil pump chain.

Choosing better pump to reuse.

Oil pump gears was curved by the accident and center hole got oval.
Now re-assembling removed stuff is left, with brief de-greasing of impacted engine area parts.


  1. Oh you, engine breaker! Pay more attention please, show more love to that old, worn parts :) On another hand once you know that you have a spare part, you may cut/break any shitty stuff in order to save some time. Good luck with assembly!


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